> What is so wrong with the color black in a room?

What is so wrong with the color black in a room?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
I think nothing. One wall (and one wall only) will create a nice dimensional effect. I Like the Idea. I would carefully consider the choice of flat, satin, or semi gloss. Any of these choices will affect the dynamics of the outcome. Good Luck! Oh... also carefully consider WHICH wall for the same reasons.

Nothing is wrong with that, if your room was ONLY black, it could make your room dark on a sunny day. But since one of your walls will be white, that balances the whole "making the room dark" thing. One black wall as an accent actually sounds prettyyy interesting :) maybe no one has ever told that guy something like that and he's suprised or maybe it doesnt fit his style and so, he might be thinking like "whaaaa?"

But as i said nothing's wrong with one black wall, dont care how other people react, if it's your style and you love it, nothing else to be said :)

(Love the idea ^^)

Not bad it's just intense and very dark.

Use Charcoal gray instead.It seems a bit tamer.https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/i...

i don't see anything wrong with ONE black accent wall. that's not enough to make a room too gloomy or to even detract from the natural light in the room.

what exactly is a home improvement worker???? just hire a damn painter... they don't give a sh?t what color you choose as long as you pay them.

Maybe it is because that its potrayed as an all black room is devilish, and maybe because its uncommon. But also, black absorbs all of the colors and causes the room to be darker, less light.

It's depressing.Your room will look dark even on a sunny day.

I explained to a home improvement worker that I wanted three walls white and one black. He questioned it like it was something devilish or like it was wrong to paint a wall black. He's not the first person to react this way. Is something wrong?