> How to kill indoor aphids organically?

How to kill indoor aphids organically?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Saltwater will kill the plant. All soap is detergent. Just wash them with soapy water. Take a shower with your plant. Not a problem.

Fish oil pesticide should do the trick

none, just poor alot water to drown the aphids. there is no such thing as organically way to get rid of it. most pesticides are organic in nature.

you can also use alot of saltwater

time to go to the store huh???

I found some mite looking insects crawling around my strawberry plant that looks quite sick. I would use a soap solution to kill them but i have none on hand that isnt a detergent. I also would use DE but I don't have any right now. I poured grounded cinnamon on it with hopes of killing them, but im not sure if it will do it.