> What if the person interviewing you for a job compliments you on your toe nail polish?

What if the person interviewing you for a job compliments you on your toe nail polish?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
Like if you're in the middle of an interview, and your male interviewer all of a sudden compliments you on your bright red toe nail polish, is that a sign that he's interested in hiring you, or something not to worry about?Like if you're in the middle of an interview, and your male interviewer all of a sudden compliments you on your bright red toe nail polish, is that a sign that he's interested in hiring you, or something not to worry about?

Well you are obviously showing your feet for a reason, because you want compliments. Don't act all put off when someone gives you a compliment because that's what you are looking for anyway. And besides, you shouldn't even be wearing open toed shoes to an interview anyway. You should be in closed toed pumps and be wearing pantyhose.

Just say thank you, smile and keep it moving with the interview. People compliment people all the time. It does not mean they are romantically interested in you or that you have the job. Although I do find it to be unprofessional at a job interview. You would not have batted an eye, if it was a woman.