> Help!! Which pair of shoes should I get?

Help!! Which pair of shoes should I get?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
1. http://www.windsorsmith.com.au/pre-order-michaela-white?color=White 2. http://www.novoshoes.com.au/cart/search/c6c0329bba537835e48e2be9a8e9c8f7/?shoe=minnie_2086739020517 And why?1. 2. And why?

I like the first ones because they don't have holes in them

I like 2nd

I like the Michaela (the first one) better, because I prefer the silhouette it creates, and it's (in my opinion) more beautiful because of it's simplicity :)

Although PERSONALLY I prefer the look of the first pair, I think that the second pair would be a better buy. They are cheaper, and more versatile. You could wear them to casual, semi casual, and maybe even formal events, and they are VERY Summer-y. Also, they'd be good for early fall. Just my opinion though, they're your feet, girl!!! Happy shopping! <3