> Should I tell my girlfriend that I want to wear her clothes. I need answers please?

Should I tell my girlfriend that I want to wear her clothes. I need answers please?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
yes go for it! if she really cares about you she wont care. I mean she might care a little bit. bit try to make her understand.

Girlfriend? Or girl friend? If its you're girlfriend, uh dont tell her? She'll probably break up with you cause she'll find it weird. Buy your own clothes? lol If its your girl friend and youre a girl then just ask her. im sure if you guys are close, she wont mind. If its your girl friend and you're a guy, thats weird. She's probably not gonna let you. rofl

I feel like this question is lacking info. How long have you guys been dating? Do you know how she feels about cross dressing or transvestites? I'm not sure how to approach it to her, but my boyfriend has tried on my shorts before (he's way bigger than me). I mean, I wear his shirts. If she goes to borrow your shirt, impl about her shirts or whatever.

This could go anywhere. 50/50 that she will be okay with this. Tell her how you feel and not just that you want to wear her clothes. She may or may not be familiar with cross dressing.

Tell her if you really want to, I suppose.