> My lawn is overrun with ants?

My lawn is overrun with ants?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Mix baking sugar powder like a teaspoon and a half teaspoon of icing sugar powder together. Now that is not harmful to anyone except ants. Go along the wall inside the house as ants will tend to travel along the corners and put it outside where it does not get rained on. Between forefinger and thumb and grab a pinch of the stuff and sprinkle it where the ants can find it so right on top of them.

. Ants exist because there is a Queen ant who does nothing all day but lay babies(who turn into worker ants-which is what you see) Old queenie can live up to 4 years and pop out 400,000 eggs. The queen also instruct the ants what to do.

The worker ants and food finding ants and defense ants all come from the queen. Their Life time can be from 2 days to 2 weeks. They never eat. They basically digest themselves.

. Now your powder mix...ants can sense food which is sugar and cannot sense baking soda. But the icing sugar will stick to the baking soda and the large clump will be carried back to the nest to feed the Queen.

. You know what happens when you put an acid(such a vinegar) and baking soda together....it fizzes.

. The ants have hard bodies so the stomach acids in the queens stomach reacts with the baking soda and the queen EXPLODES.

There is no replacement queen so the ants have lost their reason for living as they are not receiving commands.

. My mom did this thing out in her flower garden on an ants nest and within a couple of hours I was watching the ants come onto the concrete wall beside the garden and walk around in a circle(the size of a quarter). Never had I seen that before because ants have places to go, food to gather and such like.

. They would walk the circle until they died.

. This works on black ants both big and small.

. For red ants I just poured motor oil on the nest which was a log and they died that way. Red ants are meat eaters so maybe I could have done raw meat and baking soda.

Otherwise run a sprinkler and water the lawn. Ants hate green grass or a well kept lawn.

Some ants like sugar and a bait that comes in little plastic disks deals placed out will give the ants something to take to their nest and they will feed the queen or queens that can live as long as 20 years. Terro is good to use. The ants can eat it and have time to take some to their nest.

Some ants like protein and baits will have the info written on the packages of what kind of bait it is. This is for inside the house.

There's outside bait that can be used.

If you can find the ants nest outside, some bait around the holes will give the ants something that they think is food down into their nest. With as many ants you have, the process can take a few days.


I used to have ant problems too, and they were inside the house only. We put salt on the floor and they just kept disappearing and then one day they were gone

Ants live outside, they are not harming you and are not dangerous leave them alone. When they get in your house then you can kill them.

Move house.

try peeing on the pile and do this everyday, until they have spread to your neighbors yard

Buy aN AnT eaTEr DuH... be sMaRtER!!!!!!!!

I moved into a new place a couple months ago and I have been struggling with the ant infestation in my backyard. I have a large, beautiful yard that I can't enjoy because there are countless ants everywhere. My dog always comes back into the house with at least 10 ants on her.. To make matters worse, they've started coming in. What is the best and most effective way to treat this? Environmentally friendly methods prefer, but only if they're guaranteed. I am sorry to say I have not had much success with organic methods :(