> Going to paint my room which color is best?

Going to paint my room which color is best?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Use light color (Mint green or sky blue or light coffee shade) for 3 walls of room. And now show all creativity on the last 4th wall. Just paint it with some bright color and decorate it with a theme like sea theme, forest theme etc.

Choose a green or blue color. I think it has a positive effect on the human.

blue, avoid red at all cost

Your choices are good for two walls, but the other two should be lighter but complementary colors so that the room feels bigger. And the ceiling should be white to make the room feel bigger.

I really like turquoise or mint green. It's a really fresh colour and gives the rooms an comfortable atmosphere

earth tones are nice

blue has a cooling effect

red has a heating effect

try a white ceiling and sea foam yellow walls with a light green trim

white n coffee color

light green

sage green with white trim and light lavender accent colors

Yes, green is good for it is fresh and it brings a nature-like atmosphere.

Black :) (with silver painted/mirrored furniture)

According to your name. . let it be royal blue. !! :)