> Extremely small living quarters, please help!?

Extremely small living quarters, please help!?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
I presume you want something cheap or free and only needs to be temporary. If you are in a trailer park, keep your eyes peeled, at the end of each month, people often move out and throw away furniture, shelving, etc. If not, make a road-trip to some nearby apartment complexes at the end of the month and check where they put the trash. See if you can find some dressers, shelves, etc. Don't worry if the finish is all scratched, knobs missing, you can re-glue, paint & replace knobs pretty cheaply. If all you can get is shelves, get boxes from the grocery store to put the various things in (I suppose you could put colored contacts paper or whatever on them if you want. Yes I know this will look pretty "ghetto" but cheap & would work temporarily.

A cot..with your suitcases underneath is your best option, and taking only the outfit you want to wear the next day on the shelf, with your purse and accessories. Repack them as you clean them again. Much neater that way.

Yes you can put all your things in the sink im sure no one will use it

I am moving in with my dad for the summer. I'm super excited, except that he currently lives in a 1 bedroom trailor. A few days ago he signed a contract on a house, but it will be a few weeks until we move in. But anyway, I have a little brother and a step brother who are all currently sharing the living room. All I have to store my things is a shelf. Please help a 16 year old girl out with storage ideas! I can't handle living out of a suitcase, its too chaotic. Any suggestions?