> Calling all interior designers!...my kitchen cabinets are chocolate brown, what collr countertop would match?

Calling all interior designers!...my kitchen cabinets are chocolate brown, what collr countertop would match?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Green(since when has God been wrong?) Look at the trees..green& brown( so many shades of green)

sky blue works well with brown(the God thing)

Purple and brown(or more towards a light violet)

Yellow and brown (the G man)

You don't want a dark color. The chocolate brown has already given you enough of that. Even an off white color hinting it is a shade of brown will do.



Really it is your choice.(except red) but try to tie it to the flooring color in some way, nothing exact, but the same coloring essentially.

What color is the flooring going to be as it is the other horizontal surface...and kind of think of matching in the same color stream.

. Or if you have ceramic wall tiles, pick a color out of the tile and make it tie in to the wall...to become a single unit. It needs to be refreshing and yet not hard on the eyes(so fluorescent pink is out) as you will tire of that real fast.

I think a silvery color with texture or white/off white with texture would look great. Then you could paint the walls a light accent color of your choosing. Here is a picture for some inspiration

Try gray, like a silver gray. i know it sounds weird but look up these two colors in the web and in clothing styles also in painting decors and you will see how much sense it makes. its like chocolate brown and turquoise blue, it sounds ugly but its actually used a lot in designs. I would say a silvery gray would look really nice and then you can paint the walls white, search these three colors together they look nice and it softens the dark chocolate brown.

The cabinets and cupboards have been painted chocolate brown, and the countertops are vinyl, and I want to save money and the most efficient option I was told was to just take off the vinyl layer for a different colour of my liking. I was thinking white with some texture, what colour do you think would match with a chocolate brown kitchen?