> What are your three most important things for choosing a pair of shoes?

What are your three most important things for choosing a pair of shoes?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
1) Price. Why scope it out and try them on if I can't afford them? 2) Practicality. How often can I wear these shoes and how many outfits do they match? Can I wear these for more than 2 hours without my feet falling off? 3) Quality. Are these shoes worth the price?

1) Looks as that's the first thing I notice. 2) Price, can I afford them? 3) Comfort for obvious reasons. I love my heels but some are more comfy than others. Don't know why, they just are!

1.Comfortable 2.Versatile 3.Stylish (Even if it's only in my opinion lol)

durability, support, and comfort

1. Cost (I'm frugal what can I say) 2. How they look 3. Wearablility (How bad will they hurt me and is it worth how beautiful they are) : )