> Ladies fashion boutique names?

Ladies fashion boutique names?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
Oh...It's STYLISTA... You can go through the below link and check out the outfits available. It covers the designer dresses from the top designers. Hope you'll like it..


I actually LOVE Bella Donna -- but I did a google search and there are a lot of Bella Donna Boutiques. Does that matter to you? I think the name you choose depends on what demographic age you are going to target in your marketing. For the over 40 age -- what about "Lady Lovely Boutique" or "Beautiful One of a Kind" OR -- for 30's what about "The Snob Shop" or "Trendy R Us" OR -- for under 30's what about "U R Stylin'" or "Diva Duds" Just some ideas. Hope this helps :-) GOOD LUCK!