> How to convince your parents to let you pierce your bellybutton?

How to convince your parents to let you pierce your bellybutton?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
My mom isn't against piercings in fact she has had it done herself. Every time I ask her can I get it she just tells me to wait until I'm 16 but I don't want to wAit until then. What can I say that will make her let me get itMy mom isn't against piercings in fact she has had it done herself. Every time I ask her can I get it she just tells me to wait until I'm 16 but I don't want to wAit until then. What can I say that will make her let me get it

Belly button piercings are unattractive [guys opinion]

She's probably worried that if you get your navel pierced, you'll start wearing midriffs and other slutty clothes that will attract the wrong kind of attention. Just wait until you're 16.