> Would you trust your kid to paint their own room?

Would you trust your kid to paint their own room?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
My mother and father had a huge blow-out one year when I was 12 (I'm 32) about this same topic. My mom was all for letting me do the room myself, my father was completely against it. My mom won (big surprise) and I was allowed to paint my room myself. I did an amazing job and the only thing I needed any help with was taping off the woodwork and ceiling correctly since it is way easier with two people. I would absolutely let my kid paint her own room, provided she (or he) knows some of the basics. Tape off EVERYTHING, paint around all corners and edges so that you can use a roller easily, and cover all furniture with plastic. Other than that, how bad could it possibly turn out? :) Good luck.

well if you dont mind having a big mess then yeah, i let my daughter paint one wall and left the others one colour and its looks pretty cool its quite cute because its just a memory she done it when she was 4 with her dad and it looks unique and not a big mess

Well you should definitely help. But ok

I want to paint my bedroom. Last time I painted it I was around 12 yrs old and so I of course I picked the brightest green and accented my whole room hot pink. It's too much for me now that I'm older. I still like pink, but with the green it's just horrible. I'm thinking of a light/medium blue walls and white&a little black accents like my bedspread/sheats/lamps/rugs. I want a light, but mature/cleaner look. Plus I'm getting a queen bed and we usually get new room decor (that us kids buy) when we grow up to a new bed. Would u trust ur kid to pain their own room? My mom thinks I'll be like my sister and make a disaster(she didn't try to make it nice because we were getting new carpet the next week though) and she thinks I can't do it myself. My room, my money on paint, and mess to clean up, right?