> Please help. Flies in house + something else?

Please help. Flies in house + something else?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
It's fly season, and there isn't too much you can do. Flies hang around windows because they are attracted to light. Those little casings you found look like fly larvae cocoons.

Now, from my perspective 7 flies is nothing! However, if this is unusual for you, put your nose to work and see if you can find anything that might smell like a little beastie might have died (like a mouse or chipmunk that got into your house/walls -- it happens) as this could be attracting flies. Do you have vents that are open to other parts of the house? A dead mouse in the basement can easily mean flies in your house.

As for some flies getting in the house, a dozen flies can come in every time you open a door. Or, they might have bred in your house. Under your luggage would have been an excellent place for flies to lay their eggs to hatch.

The best you can do is search out any areas that might have a dead mouse (et al), or that some food might have gotten dropped and not cleaned up (my dog had a lovely habit of hiding his food in the oddest places, and it always attracted flies). Vacuum, and you might want to steam clean your carpet.

Other than that, your fly infestation is minimal by normal standards, and is essentially one of those facts of life. Do NOT, however, get fly strips -- they ATTRACT flies from miles away, and you'll have them banging on your window to get in, instead of out.

Set down small cups of vinegar throughout your house

Clean that house! And get some fly paper if you have too

So to start off with, in the house, two days ago, there were about 6 flies in the house and we killed them. Yesterday, there were about 7 flies, and killed them. Today, I've found another 5 and I have a feeling these won't be the last ones.

Also, that same day two days ago, I was cleaning up and under one my luggages that was in the living room, I found about 6 things, and I'm not sure what exactly they were, but they looked like larva..

What is going on? Originally I thought that some flies might have gotten into the house, but there are too many for that. They seem to be hanging around the windows, so I checked the window for any cracks or holes where they could get in, but I didn't see anything. PLEASE HELP!

I have no clue if this is helpful or not, but I took some pictures today of the flies. I didn't get any pictures of the larva looking things because I immediately vacuumed. However, I found something in corner of the wall, that looked similar to what I found under the luggage. It seemed like it was a shell.


