> Mystery bug?

Mystery bug?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Very likely an American cockroach, Periplaneta americana.

There's only 100 million bugs on Earth, so we need a bit more info to narrow this down.

First where do you live? which state

what type of building?- apartment - townhome-single family-

what type of environment do you live near?-swampy-desert-marine-mountain

what time of day?

you could place a couple of those sticky mouse-trap-pads around the furniture and where you saw it last- that might catch it- you could also get a cat-my dog also goes after bugs but cats are better-

centipedes are fast- and they eat other bugs- a cockroach is another possibility- although they tend towards brown

A picture would help.

I live in a $340 apartment and I've seen some rare bugs.

Now I HATE bugs... so one instance I actually bellowed out loud, "I'm SICK of this National Geographic crap!"

there is a strange bug in my house i have no idea what it is it only popped up a few weeks ago and i dont have a clear description of it because its incredibly fast every time i walk into a room it scurries under furniture somewhere and im only able to see a blur or if from what i can tell its about half the size of my hand and black ive to scared to chase after it and i cant look it up on the internet because i have no clear description can someone help?