> My house is overrun by insects, what should i do?

My house is overrun by insects, what should i do?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Birklink50 - I don't know how it is in your country but in the US we have screens in front of our windows so no insects, cats, rodents....can enter the rooms.

How do you deal with flying insects?

What you describe is a far cry from being overrun with bugs.

Where I grew up, finding 10 time the number of bugs a day was common.

Believe it or not, what few house spiders and house centipedes we had about, would quickly exterminate bugs like earwigs,silverfish, moths, and the hoards of stink bugs.

We just let nature balance the number of bugs, so the rest was easy to get used to.

Pesticides are poisons, and no matter what the label says, anything that can kill bugs and spiders is NOT healthy for humans or pets. I don't condone their use except under extreme conditions.

Try using 1 part vinegar & 3-parts water in a spray bottle. Then spray around your doors & windows. I know for sure it will STOP ants from coming inside & I've read that it will also STOP the stink bugs (although I've never tried it for the stink bugs). You can also go to Walmart & buy some bug/pest spray & spray around the windows & doors. That should atleast SLOW them down!!! You could also buy some fire ant granules from Walmart. Their generic brand works well. Spread it all over your yard & the pests will stay in your neighbors yards. I know that one works for spiders & also helps to stop fleas. It also stops ants & pretty much any other crawling insect. The flying ones won't like the vinegar very much.

LadyMarissa would have you spray poisons all around your house to get rid of a few harmless insects. Insecticides are poisons that decompose into other poisons, and they can be absorbed into your body and increase your risk of cancer 20 or 30 or 40 years in the future. Think before you spray.

I was putting on my shoes earlier today and I noticed a stink bug in my shoe, now I find a bug almost everywhere I look.

I found two moths in the kitchen, a spider at the back door, and an ant in my bathroom, what should I do to get rid of these pests that won't cost me a fortune in exterminator expenses?