> I've a ranch home. My room is in the back and its hotter then the rest of the house?

I've a ranch home. My room is in the back and its hotter then the rest of the house?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
You can get a ductless A/C put in. My neighbor has one. I is a vent that opens to the house but the A/C unit is like a whole house A/C. The air circulates throughout the house without a lot of duct work. You could also grow shade trees back from the house to shade the room off, but that will take a few years to work.

buy a window A/C unit.

buy a 20inch fan

save up a few 100$ to get a HVAC teck

out to house to do an estimate on repairing the


My house too. That's because the sun shines more on that side.
