> How to live with and get rid of MASS cockroach infestation?

How to live with and get rid of MASS cockroach infestation?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Once you get them, they are hard to get rid of. A professional would be best at first. The problem is that when they die, they automatically pop out an egg that contains over 100 babies. If they die in an area where you can't reach, yuk.

To cut down on them I would fill the sinks with soapy water at night. If you happen to turn on the light, they will dive into the water. Thoroughly, vacuum. I would get some E.C.E. or Boric acid. They are a powder that dries out their outer shell and kill them. Sprinkle the powder under the sinks, in cupboards, along the edges of every room. Don't breathe it in while you sprinkle. It should be okay after it settles. ECE can be found at natural pet stores and the Boric acid can be found in garden area of the hardware stores (ant killer) This stuff will not only dry up the cockroach but the larvae and eggs. Also set out sticky traps.

Box up or seal up all containers of food. Use storage bins, zip up bags, and glass canning jars. No food, no bugs. Take all garbage out every night. Cockroaches can live on newspaper and air for months.

You will need to change out the sticky traps weekly, and vacuum. The sinks will have dead roaches and will need to clean out daily.

If you don't seal up all food, even those that have bags already, they will lay eggs in or stick them on the items. Before you store the food you have, you will have to wipe the outside of the packages before tucking them away.

Bait and gel can be placed out for the roaches. They lay eggs and some kinds carry egg pouches, called oothecas, that look like little plastic brown pills, on their backs and drop them when they are ready to hatch. The gel comes in a syringe that makes it easy to out. The gel along the baseboards and in the cracks under the kitchen cabinet will kill them.

This is a way to get the gel inside the walls where roaches like to go and in the cracks in the shelves in the lower cabinet. The roaches eat it and go to where the other roaches hang out and die and roaches eat their dead and they die. To be more gross, the babies eat the poop and they die.

Combat is like a bait and gel that exterminators use. And it kills the light brown German roaches that sprays and other gels and baits will not kill. Sprays make roaches scatter and will not go into the places where they stay.

The bait can be placed out too. Roach motels will trap roaches in the upper cabinets.

With that many roaches it can take a week or 2 for the gel to work.

Roaches eat toothpaste, soap, glue on the envelopes, mildew on the pipes, dead skin on the dirty clothes and about anything. They eat each other too.

they love to drink, so dissolve some boric acid in water and leave shallow cups laying around. they take it back to the nest and infect everyone, a week later they all die. but you have to remember to refill the cups every day or 2 when they evaporate

you can also make feeders like this that evaporate much slower

keep away from pets and babies!

It's inconcievable to me how anyone could/would continue to endure such an environment.

To the best of MY knowledge, completely arresting this dilemna...

will require a licensed pest control. organization and quite likely a general contractor operating in tandem.

EFFECTIVE pesticides necessary will be classified as 'controlled substances'.

And attainable only by license.

The rest of the story will be expressed with communication therein.

a place that has been home to them for years will not be possible to clear out. they are in the walls, under floorboards in the wiring, plumbing, behind wallpaper, baseboards,lightswitches. move.

Well long story short, my buds house has been infested with cockroaches for years. I'm sure the whole block is infested. Spray doesn't seem to do jack. They're absolutely everywhere and babies are always covering the floors. It's the worst I've ever seen. The house is pretty nasty itself. All he could afford I guess. To clean it would be a very big and disgusting job. Even though it's a small home. We don't believe it'd help the cockroach situation at all. They'd just dirty it all up again. So doubtfully the infestation is fixable, any tips on living with them? Anything they don't like that'll keep them away from an area? Or are they just unstoppable and uncontrollable?

Is there no hope?!

There's two breeds.

I believe they have mated with eachother to make a 3rd....gross.

Help would be greatly appreciated!