> Hoe can I keep bats away from me? I live lakeside and in the evening bats swoop at me and get very close.?

Hoe can I keep bats away from me? I live lakeside and in the evening bats swoop at me and get very close.?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
I have a cabin on the lake. The carbon dioxide in your breath attracts Mosquitos and other Insects to you. The insects flying near you attract the Bats. Even insect repellent will only keep bugs about 3 ft. away from you.

Having Bats flying around is the price you pay to have a home where there is water to breed lots of bugs and insects that Bats eat.

There is no way to keep them from flying around you at night.

You attract insects such as mosquitoes with your perfume. That is all the bat is after-the mosquito.

If you mean while you are at home in your yard .

google " bat netting "