> How can I mount a metal or wood sign to an outdoor concreet wall with enough room for lights behind it?

How can I mount a metal or wood sign to an outdoor concreet wall with enough room for lights behind it?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Unless you already have wiring in that wall, you are going to have to use exposed conduit to bring power to those lights, which won't look awesome.

But, it's easy enough. Attach a couple of spacers to the wall with TapCon screws or a gunpowder-charged hammer, install lighting around the spacers, attach sign to spacers so that it obscures the lights.

I want to mount a metal/wood sign in backyard to concrete wall. How can I install lights and the sign so that the sign sticks away from the wall and you can see the lights glow around it? Any diy tutorial will help. Can't seem to fin quite what i'm looking for through search engines.