Posted at: 2014-09-26 
You can buy Combat gel and bait stations that is like what exterminators use, their Maxforce.

It kills all kinds of roaches including the light brown German roaches that have gotten immune to most roach killers.

The stations can be place where you want them and the roaches eat it and get it on them and go to the dark places where they stay and die and roaches eat their dead and die. The gel comes in a syringe that makes it easy to put out and it is good to put in the cracks and crevices under the cabinets.

This is a good way to get the bait inside the walls where the roaches come from the other apartment.

Sealing up the tiny openings around the pipes under the sinks will keep them from coming in there.

You and your neighbors should buy a bagful of boric acid powder and spread it in and under your stoves, under your refrigerators, on kitchen shelves, and anywhere else that you've seen roaches. Seal up any cracks in your walls and the cracks between your kitchen shelves and the cabinets. Don't clean up the powder, just let it stay there. Boric acid is a mild stomach poison for roaches, and it kills them by dehydrating them.

Pest control companies have a vested interest in TEMPORARY solutions. If they employed permanent solutions like boric acid powder, they wouldn't have to keep coming back and charging you money.

Hey it's me the girl that said I was down and sad. I left a msg on my post u committed on

well maybe u should pay half half of the money or u tell your neighbours that there cockroaches are in your house and maybe they could come to et them (EAAWWWWWW) or just tell them to pay to get rid of them since there not yours.

i live in a apartment and my home is super clean but i found a cockroach but my neighbors have them will i have to pay to get rid of them if it isnt my fault or worse will get evicted thats what my landlord told me is that legal HELP