Candies in lebanon, dragee in lebanon

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wedding decoration in lebanon

Events decoration in lebanon

Article de souvenir in Lebanon

candle holder

    Ref.: 49797

    length cm: 5.5

    width cm  :6

    colour  :silver

    ceramic with candle 

    Ref.: 605743

    length cm: 7

    width cm  :9

    colour  :grey

    terra cotta and glass 

    Ref.: FF 1698

    length cm: 10

    width cm  :6.5

    colour  beige .white:

    price by piece, porcelain 

    Ref.: 8712582418501

    length cm: 10

    width cm  :6


    candle holder, glass with metal 

    Ref.: 97-0096-000

    length cm: 14.5

    width cm  :15.5

    colour  :black

    candle holder stand 

    Ref.: 241430

    length cm: 6.7

    width cm  :13

    colour  :brown

    metal bronze candleholder

    Ref.: 433187

    length cm: 7.5

    width cm  :7

    colour  :brown

    metal candleholder


    Ref.: 44800

    length cm: 13

    width cm  :2.5

    colour  :silver

     metal candle holder

    Ref.: 106046

    length : 28

    width :

    colour : yellow

    metal, glass 

    Ref.: 240556

    length : 5

    width  : 7

    colour : red

    price by piece, ceramic 

    Ref.: 248382

    length : 28

    width  : 14 

    colour : green

    metal, glass 

    Ref.: 274803

    length : 6.5

    width  : 7

    colour :red


    Ref.: 7505

    length : 9

    width  : 4

    colour : red

    price s/12, metal

    Ref.: 7505

    length : 9

    width  : 4

    colour : gold

    price s/12, metal

    Ref.: 7505

    length : 9

    width  : 4

    colour : white

    s/12, metal 

    Ref.: 274780

    length : 5.5

    width  :6

    colour : red


    Ref.: 274865

    length : 6.5

    width  : 6

    colour : red



dragee in lebanon

wedding decoration in lebanon

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