> Why are my brothers sock feet so UGLY!?

Why are my brothers sock feet so UGLY!?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
Why are my brothers sock feet so ugly? I can't even look at them without getting worked up. They're so wide and like, symmetrical! Every time I look at them and say "Ewwww", he just sighs an says "What!!, God you're so annoying!". But if he just stopped for a moment to look at those god awful sock feet of his, I'm pretty sure he'd understand.Why are my brothers sock feet so ugly? I can't even look at them without getting worked up. They're so wide and like, symmetrical! Every time I look at them and say "Ewwww", he just sighs an says "What!!, God you're so annoying!". But if he just stopped for a moment to look at those god awful sock feet of his, I'm pretty sure he'd understand.

He can't help the way his feet look. Unless he's harassing you by sticking them in your face or something, I would advise you to be polite and keep your mouth shut.