> Where can I buy a nail polish wall rack?

Where can I buy a nail polish wall rack?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
Where can I buy a nail polish wall rack? Store please. I've been looking online but all the reviews say awesome! then it saids cheap and always breaks and all cracked up when it came. It's pretty expensive 25-50 dollars. I wanted a store so that i could go look at it and make sure it's good material. So that i won't be risking all this money on a product that might not be worth it. Thanks!Where can I buy a nail polish wall rack? Store please. I've been looking online but all the reviews say awesome! then it saids cheap and always breaks and all cracked up when it came. It's pretty expensive 25-50 dollars. I wanted a store so that i could go look at it and make sure it's good material. So that i won't be risking all this money on a product that might not be worth it. Thanks!

Target has cheaper but somewhat good quality items. You could look in the dollar section or anywhere and find something handy.

find one on amazon or ebay, and make sure it has good reviews and A RETURN POLICY. that way, if it is cracked you can return it, but if its actually good, then there you go