> If your girl friend wears high high heels, is it ok for the guy to wear platform shoes from the Disco Era?

If your girl friend wears high high heels, is it ok for the guy to wear platform shoes from the Disco Era?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
just wondering

Why not, what's the worst that could happen? If you try wearing them and don't like it, don't do it again, no harm.

Yes, they sure can!!

Sure, it's fun and sexy. I like retro.

She does, &for the life of me I can't see how she makes wearing them look so 'normal'. I would crash &burn &break every bone below the waist !!!

if you want to, i mean if she tells you what kind of shoes to wear she has a problem

The one thing from the 70s along with disco you can forget.

Those shoes were horrible.

No . Not like you couldn't wear them its just that these shoes were big in the 70s I think and to wear like like normal shoes , NO. if it was a fancy dress then yes . All you can do is to tell your girlfriend to wear lower heels . Or just cover the platform shoes


Regular shoes for guys is fine. The 70's are long gone.