> What hand do you wear your watch on?

What hand do you wear your watch on?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
This is more for the left-handed, I am one and wear it on my right hand. Do you wear it on your right or left? Also would like answers from righties!

It is traditional (male or female) to wear your watch on your opposite hand (not your dominant hand). For example: It is traditional for right handed people to wear their watch on their left wrist and for left handed people to wear it on their right. Reason being: so you can write without your watch getting in the way.

since you are left handed you should probably wear it on your right hand especially because your more likely to use your left hand it would look better on your right

It depends on how you feel comfortable. I am right handed and I wear my watch on my right arm but I wear my ring on my left hand.

im right handed - i wear it on the left :)

im right handed and i wear mine on my right

Wear it wherever the hell ya want to

I wear my watch on my wrist!

I'm a guy, so I wear mine on my left arm. Pretty much the common rule, no matter if we're left handed or right.