> What do you think if a pregnant woman wearing a two piece?

What do you think if a pregnant woman wearing a two piece?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
This summer I have multiple trips to places with pools and beaches. I have always thought about wearing a two piece, but was always a little shy. This is my fifth baby and to be honest I think my body looks best when I'm pregnant. Should I rock the two piece in Vegas?This summer I have multiple trips to places with pools and beaches. I have always thought about wearing a two piece, but was always a little shy. This is my fifth baby and to be honest I think my body looks best when I'm pregnant. Should I rock the two piece in Vegas?

Well I don't want to judge but I think if they feel comfortable in their own skin why not. Sure, others don't like looking at someone who's body isn't fit like a supermodels but so what? The person is pregnant not overweight.

Go for it! Show off that maternal glow! Be proud of your body and yourself. You have nothing to be ashamed of!. Many time I think telling a woman to be modest is a subtle way of saying she should feel some sort of shame about herself and her body.

its fine o problem

omgwear it i think it looks so good :')

Well maybe it's worth trying to tone up before you wear it, because at least then you'd feel more comfortable and confident. I know this isn't the same, but when Kim Kardashian was pregnant, despite putting on weight she still worked out and at least tried to watch her looks. Exercise would be good for the baby to ;) Personally, I don't think theres anything wrong with wearing it, if it was me I might try to tone if I could be bothered..but I guess if your confident enough then just go out there and wear it!

Go for it. Sometimes prenant women even do beachies in the nude.

Not a fan. Pregnancy is wonderful and should be celebrated, but at times a little modesty is a good thing. Put another way, do you like overweight guys in Speedos?