> How should a 19 year old dress?

How should a 19 year old dress?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
is this fine? this is the style I've had for almost a year now and I like it http://lh6.ggpht.com/_78wgd5ujqrc/TGPw8TAhlyI/AAAAAAAAhZo/KCAg8MZ1t9s/s800/AndrewSmith4REPLAY_FW2010.jpg It could be too teenager tho? should I start dressing more maturely since im in college now what age would you recommendis this fine? this is the style I've had for almost a year now and I like it It could be too teenager tho? should I start dressing more maturely since im in college now what age would you recommend

I think it's okay! Depends on what your major is. It's very "trendy" looking. It's not very "conservative".

Depends on your style and personality just be yourself see what you like try looking through magazines first and circling stuff you like or would look cute in also go shopping walk around the mall

You look perfectly fine. Anyway, try to use low cut shoes sometime.

looks a bit like your mum buys your clothes.

Dress how you feel comfortable. i think the look is nice and its about your age. Not to high school yet not 30 year old man either.

Modestly, how about them apples?