> How do you think 12/13 year old girls should dress?

How do you think 12/13 year old girls should dress?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
Idk forever 21?

however they want as long as it's age appropriate

Well I won't be letting my daughter look like a slut or a hoe by dressing in tight pants or mini skirts and wearing tops that show her breast off . She will be wearing long pants skirts past the knees decent dresses she won't be wearing any clothes that will get her judged or make anyone think differently of her that's what I think

That can look at this New Fashion Plus Mini Dress

It's all up to the person. Choose something modern (if that's your style). You would want to buy something expensive but if you don't have the money, don't worry! Choose something cheep - but it looks expensive. The other day I was in K Mart and saw these brilliant looking shoes that I thought were going to be in the 50 dollar mark but I found out they were only $5. If you want something old fashioned go with a grunge -rustic look. Have fun e???

However they want to dress...provided they don't look like sluts.

just dress like the other 12/13 girls!