> How do i hide cuts?

How do i hide cuts?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
Look, dont question the question i just need a way to hid some cuts this summer. I cant do make up cause it will come off if i go swimming. I cant do long sleeves because duh. Its summer. I cant do bracelets because they might slip and thats leaves me pretty ******(i would have to wear a **** ton of them anyways). Any ideas?Look, dont question the question i just need a way to hid some cuts this summer. I cant do make up cause it will come off if i go swimming. I cant do long sleeves because duh. Its summer. I cant do bracelets because they might slip and thats leaves me pretty ******(i would have to wear a **** ton of them anyways). Any ideas?

Btw they are cuts not scars. Thanks.

oh I've been there before :/ you could try using a scar vanishing cream/gel... but that will take time, it's more of a long term solution. you can try getting a henna tattoo, that might camouflage it for a while, but it could also bring more attention to them. I think I would get the tattoo and throw on some bracelets.

Put some temporary tattoo ( would not take of if on swimming pool) that you could buy, or a bandaid and an excuse for it ( like you cut yourself with a knife accidentally, of course) Hope that helps you.

waterproof foundation could work

Maybe try self tanner?