> Girls: Is it embarrassing to be seen without your shoes and socks if you are forced to remove them?

Girls: Is it embarrassing to be seen without your shoes and socks if you are forced to remove them?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
Would you feel more vulnerable or exposed without them?

IDK what situation you'd be in where you'd be forced to removed you shoes and socks but no way! i walk around bare foot all the time! its pretty common to see girls, especially in summer, wonder around the place barefoot. or maybe that's just here in Australia? but i dont think so anyway :D

I wouldn't be forced to remove them. I go barefoot voluntarily. No I'm not embarrassed. I love going barefoot.

Give us some more information.

For me, it depends if they're nicely pedicured or not!!

well in school ye....else no :)

No its not like we are naked without socks. It would only be embarressing if your feet smelled really bad though.

No feet are feet