> Fashion help?

Fashion help?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
My family is apostolic which means I can't wear jeans or pants and the skirts have to be modest (over the knee), and the thing is that after being homeschooled since elementary school, and I am going back to highschool,how can I wear skirts everyday without looking awkward? also I live in a town wear it snows in the winter. how can I still wear skirts and be fashionable?My family is apostolic which means I can't wear jeans or pants and the skirts have to be modest (over the knee), and the thing is that after being homeschooled since elementary school, and I am going back to highschool,how can I wear skirts everyday without looking awkward? also I live in a town wear it snows in the winter. how can I still wear skirts and be fashionable?

When it snows, I suggest wearing mid-calf length skirts over knee high boots. I'm in Colorado (so lots of snow!) and wear this frequently in the winter. The skirt is high enough where it won't drag in the snow and the boots keep you warm. For any other time of the year, I'm a fan of wearing bright patterned skirts, plain shirts, and lots of bracelets. You can add jean or leather jackets to make them warmer for spring/fall.

You can wear long skirts with a long sleeve shirt or tank top w/jacket and a belt. Also skirts with tights or leggings underneath. I'll include pictures. Bright colors and accessories are your best friend


Try wearing skirts with leggings or tights! :)