> Do all jean types fit the same around the waist?

Do all jean types fit the same around the waist?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
For example, would I get a 30 in mens jeans for all of Skinny, Slim-Straight, and Straight?

Not only do the waist sizes vary from each manufacturer, they vary from jean style to style from the same manufacturer. I like Levi's 510 super skinny and 511 slim. Both waists fit differently. Not only that, I have like five pars of 511's and every one of the waist fit a little differently, even though they are all marked 30 waist. My 511's have almost two inches difference from each other.




I went on a site on this topic but can't remember the name, If I'll remember I will let you know.

In reality, no. Each jeans maker does it just a little differently; a size 30 in Levis will not fit like a size 30 in Hollisters. Most times the tag size doesn't reflect the actual waist size of the pants; a size 30 by one jeans maker actually measures out to a size 32 while another might be spot on.

In theory, yes, but each brand of jeans fits differently. I'd try everything on to be sure. :)
