> Can you wear Jordan's casually?

Can you wear Jordan's casually?

Posted at: 2014-07-17 
I bought a new pair yesterday (no sure what type of Jordan bc they just looked cool). Anyway I don't play basketball, but watch a little. So can I walk around in them without other kids asking, "do you play basketball?" Like can I wear them casually and not be criticized for my shoe selection?I bought a new pair yesterday (no sure what type of Jordan bc they just looked cool). Anyway I don't play basketball, but watch a little. So can I walk around in them without other kids asking, "do you play basketball?" Like can I wear them casually and not be criticized for my shoe selection?

I'm a girl and I wear Jordan's but I can't shoot a ball in even if the hoop is right in front of me!! Whateverrrrrr

Most of the people who buy Jordans only buy them to wear casually, because of some dumb "status" thing.

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Hell yes! I wear Jordan's, Air Maxes, Vans, I'm a sneaker head, and I don't play basketball or skate. I like to dress up my outfits with sneakers. Do what makes you happy and comfortable, and if you like what you're wearing, **** everyone else!