> Will my cannabis plant survive 4 days without water?

Will my cannabis plant survive 4 days without water?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Harobikes suggests a good idea, but I personally don't think you'll have an issue if you water before you leave and water when you come back. Cannabis is fairly tolerant of dry soil and in most cases people overwater the plant their first grow. With your plant being a seedling it's not got a fully developed root structure yet so it's not going to be absorbing as much water as an older plant would. A lot depends on the size pot you're using as well. If you're using something as small as a solo cup and you live in a dry climate it might be useful to provide a little extra water before leaving. If it's in a 1 gallon pot even with a dry climate you'll probably be fine watering like normal and watering when you get home. If you're in a very humid climate then the soil won't dry out as quickly so you should be fine regular watering regardless of the pot size (if you grow indoors and use a/c the air can dry out substantially).

Since you've got 10 days before you leave I'd suggest seeing how long between watering you can go. It's a good recommendation not to water cannabis plants until the top of the soil is dried out (generally 1-2 inches deep, not just a small top layer). That will prevent overwatering by mistake and it's also important (more when the plant gets older) to water and allow some water to run out the bottom of the pot so any salt or mineral buildup can be washed out with the excess water.

Water it as normal, and just before you leave, fill 2 or 3 water bottles with properly adjusted ph water, 6.5 ph. and tip them upside down in the wet dirt, kinda stick them in a few inches so the saturated dirt wont allow water to escape. If the dirt dries out while you are gone, the water will automatically dispense itself, as dry dirt is more porous than wet dirt

My plant sprouted 2 days ago in 10 days from now I will be going away for a 4 day trip. What I want to know is will my plant survive 4 days without water and does anyone have any tips to insure the plant will not die? Yes I have a medical marijuana license.