> Which way should my bed face?

Which way should my bed face?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
According to feng shui a bed should not face the main doorway, though that's really about superstition. Placing a bed below a window is also considered bad, and one doesn't usually have the bed right next to a main door either. In both of these situations the person is at risk of drafts and being surprised from the back or side by an intruder. The picture in this link http://www.feng-shui-tips-for-wealth.com... shows 6 BAD bed placements. #6 only applies to visible overhead beams.

It seems the BEST place for the bed would be opposite the big window, but I don't know if you have enough space in the room for the bed to fit there. Your bed is probably pushed against a wall on one side, and if you reversed it to the opposite wall the foot of the bed would not be facing the door, so that would be OK.

There is little I can suggest as to the noise. If you have doors to this room close them to keep out noise from the living and kitchen. Thick curtains can muffle sound a little, but they won't stop the neighbors from partying. Ear plugs may be the best solution. They are most often foam cylinders, and are hand-washable. http://cdn.criticaltool.com/media/catalo... You can buy them at most hardware and home stores for 50¢ or so.

no idea

I have a really small room with 2 doors; it was a dinning room. I have that big octagon window that leads out to the street, which is a very busy main street, next to that window is the window that leads out to the apartment driveway. I used to have my bed up against the wall but i moved it. The two doors is right next to each other so i put it on the wall that's next to the octagon window but my bed is right next to the second door that leads to the livingroom. I'm going to block off the kitchen door but I'm not sure where to put my bed. I hate it by the window, but me having it not against the wall took up a lot of space and i hate it against the wall. However I'm screwed wherever i put it because my neighbors are loud and rude at night time, and early in the morning if my mom isn't blasting the tv loud in the livingroom on sunday's then she's in the kitchen talking extra loud on the phone. But please give me your opinions and I'm trying to do it before the end of this month since I have a ton of junk to get out of my room that I don't use.