> What should I use to seal up a crawlspace.... Forever?

What should I use to seal up a crawlspace.... Forever?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Glue insulation to the back of the small door & spray as much Febreeze as you can in there & close it up.Spray the inside of your closet too.

It needs to be accessible as required by code.

Oh my you may have to see about that code but here is some help your looking for!


I recently bought a house built in 1940, and in the closet of the master bedroom is a crawlspace. It had a small hole in a corner that lead outside, which has since been fixed.

But this crawlspace is absolutely disgusting: there's spider webs, dead bugs and birds scattered throughout, bird crap, it smells rank! It's unbelievably hot, which makes the closet hot. Now thanks to these all of my shirts stink! And it's so small I can barely even get into it.... You get the idea. Anyways, I wanna know how I can completely seal up the crawlspace to where nothing stinks, the heat and cold stays out, and it cannot be accessed whatsoever and at an expense that will not cost a fortune to do. Thanks in advance!