> What is a good grow lamp?

What is a good grow lamp?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Nowadays the best grow lamps are T5 fluorescent fixtures. You can buy strip lighting for fairly cheap at your local home center. I would attach a few of these onto the bottom surface of a 1x12 board of suitable length and attach two other boards vertically onto either end to hold it up, and then grow my plants underneath. Be sure to buy bulbs that are 3,500K color temperature or less to ensure adequate reds in the spectrum.

Good luck

LED grow lamps are expensive but cheaper to run. I have four of them which cost about 300 bucks but my electric bill is WAY down. Go on Amazon and search for LED grow lights. I can't recommend any as they change monthly.

Thanks, that will help!

I wana Grow my own herbs and vegetables indoors in the winter. I wana use grow lamps but iv heard so many stories of them burning down houses. I cant use a window because my whole house is shaded behind a hill. What is the least risky kind of grow lamp?