> Small tortoiseshell butterflies in the house.?

Small tortoiseshell butterflies in the house.?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
get them out but don't harm them

you can actually hold them by their closed wings, very gently.

They seem to come in when the door is open and land on the ceiling or often in a cupboard. Is there a safe way to pick them up and remove them. The glass and card trick doesn't work well as they won't let go of the wall and I don't want to damage their wings. I would say I remove about 10 butterflies a year from the house, mainly from cupboards that they must fly into somehow and decide to hibernate for months at a time. Always the small red tortoiseshell. I've opened my bedroom cupboard to find 2 or 3 at a time and I've had them decide to start flying around in winter after being hidden for months.