> Seniors, why is it the first instinct when you see a bug is to smash it?

Seniors, why is it the first instinct when you see a bug is to smash it?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Well, seniors are the least likely to squish something like a small animal. Us chronies been around bugs and spiders long enough to appreciate their existence and a better awareness of life.

Sure, some bugs like flies and mosquitoes can be a pest, but that is why spiders have evolved, to keep the bad bugs under control.

I grew up with bugs, and even like spiders. When you just kill bugs and spiders because you fear them or not familiar with them, perhaps getting in touch with nature is in order.

@ Jack Rabbit, I don't condone the use of pesticides, because they kill everything, the bad and the good. Not to mention, anything that can kill bugs is not healthy for humans, pets, or the environment.

I think the first thought is they have invaded your space and they're often ugly little creatures, and very fast. I usually leave spiders alone as they do eat other bugs. The only three bugs I can think of that I kill in the house are flies, which I absolutely hate in the house, ants because of the damage they can do to the wood, and centipedes because I just don't like them and I know two people who got bit by them and developed infections.

I am very careful in the garden and around wood piles for Brown recluse spiders. I remember when my Mom got bit by one and it took a visit to the doctor and antibiotics and weeks to heal. The bite caused necrotic tissue which was a real mess.

I'm not a senior citizen. But I would say it is my first instinct to smash a bug. I think it's because you see a bug and freak out and get scared and just want the threat gone. And it's easier to just step on a bug than it is to catch it and carry it outside. Also some people are too scared of bugs to carry them outside.

Insects like ladybugs, praying mantis, bees and spiders can be very beneficial. I am a gardener and I try my best to act responsibly when it comes to certain bugs and insects. I will only use insecticides as a very last resort. There are non lethal deterrents that can and should be used.

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Some bugs, like spiders and ladybugs and bees, I like to put outside in their own environment. But most bugs I will swat and kill without a second thought. It's just a reflex. Sometimes, I feel bad afterwards.

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