> Our second floor visibly gives slightly with each step you take. HELP?!?

Our second floor visibly gives slightly with each step you take. HELP?!?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
I completely agree with Karen. Its more than likely the laminate flooring moving. Since laminate is not nailed or glued down and is installed as free floating its just the laminate.DONT pay for an engineer.If the secend floor was moving that bad, you d hear noise ( besides standard noises from some one walking on it) and be able to see it from below.GL

Is it the structure, or just the laminate flooring that gives? Laminate is installed on top of a thin layer of foam, and it does give a little bit.

I mean, I'm not there to see it happen, so I can't say for sure, but it's a possibility. Does the ceiling on the floor below move when someone walks in the upstiars

Ive had something similar. its from cracked or water damaged plywood i think

We just bought our first home and had laminate installed all throughout our second floor. It's been in for about two weeks now, but we are still painting upstairs so we aren't living up there yet. I've noticed many places in the floor where it felt weaker, but I thought I was crazy. My husband was walking around and I could see the floor bend just where his foot was each time he took a step. it wasn't dramatic, but definitely noticeable. Our home was built in the 80s and I believe it has plywood subflooring upstairs. It just doesn't feel sturdy to me and I am freaking out. We are calling a structural engineer tomorrow, but I was curious if anyone has ever had this issue. I'm worried we will have to replace the subfloor.