> My sisters and I can't decide who gets the queen bed?

My sisters and I can't decide who gets the queen bed?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Yeah.. I would normally say age. I am not sure why you ruled that out. But since you did.. what about by physical size? The person who is physically the biggest could get the bigger bed?

Or if this is going to cause a major issue.. it may just be better to all keep the twin beds, rather than fighting and arguing over the bigger bed.

In general, most families decide who gets the bigger bed by age - meaning the oldest among you would get the queen. Since you've already determined that you will not be deciding by age, that shoots this out of the water.

The traditional way is by lot

The other way is just to see where it will fit in your new home and the level of comfort. For instance you could all give it a test sleep and then say hold an auction and the highest bidder wins.

Anyway I have only got one head and you have three between you - I am sure you will think of something.

Do you know about 'rock, paper, scissors'?

I have two sisters, we all have twin beds right now. We are going to move and were offered a queen bed from our friends, but we can't decide who gets it? We are not going to decide by age. Thanks!