> How should I paint my room?

How should I paint my room?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
How about painting the 3 walls light/aqua blue, and the 4th wall that has the window the medium gray. That will make the window pop. Darker walls make the room look smaller so stick with a lighter color.

Gray can look very cold, and can also make the room look dark. Once I painted a room a mid-gray color and within a week had painted it white.

A light gray would look good. Gray also goes great with purple!

gray sucks despite all the HGTV shows to the contrary. looks like you are in a dungeon. i painted my guest rooms gray and i hate it. will repaint once the roommate moves out.

Don't paint your walls gray, it really doesn't look as good as you think.

For my 14th birthday my dad said I would be able to re do my room and paint. I want it to be more mature and I was thinking blue/gray. I was thinking to paint 3 walls a light or medium gray and my "accent" wall which is the wall with my double window on it to paint that like aqua or a sky blue. I have lighter carpet which would stay the same and I am planning on getting all white furniture. Are my wall ideas realistic and would they look good? Any other ideas would be great! Thanks in advance!