> Help!! What is this called?

Help!! What is this called?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
decorative mouldings / moldings

like this https://www.google.com/search?q=diy+mold...

here http://littlemisspennywenny.blogspot.com...

You can make these yourself. Go to your local building/lumber supply and ask them to show you their selection of decorative mouldings.

Some building/lumber supplies may even have kits with precut mouldings you just have to mount on your wall.

What is the rectangular border in the middle of a wall that is used for design purposes called? It's usually white, kinda like an over sized picture frame but for the wall?

I'm looking to get a couple for my room to place on either size of my window and I have no idea how to even search for some without a name :P

This: http://i1299.photobucket.com/albums/ag79/ReneeScott97/2014-05-1400_05_36-HowIKeepMySkinTanampMyTeethWhite-YouTube_zps982d0c01.jpg

Or like this but raised: http://i1299.photobucket.com/albums/ag79/ReneeScott97/IMG_2443_zps42a190c0.jpg