> Escape routes... hooks under the window!! Need rope for birthday present! FIRE?

Escape routes... hooks under the window!! Need rope for birthday present! FIRE?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Go to home ddpot

So a friend of mine finally has her birthday in a few days and she already had told me what she wants for her birthday. The problem is that I understand what she means, but I can't seem to find out what it's called. What she told me was that she's moving, somewhere close to her school and her "new" house (not actually new, but new) has a hook under the window which is used for escape routes in critical incidents/cases such as fire, for example. If you can't get out the room, you have to jump. But it's very risky to jump out of the window, so you have to have an escape route. So, she has this hook on her room and the other rooms too.

(Sorry I couldn't find any similar pictures to that, but it was this hook she said that was mostly similar to the ones she has on her room). Buuuut, I don't know where to buy this rope. If no one knows where to buy this rope (online), can anyone please just tell me what kind of rope is used for this type of hooks?

PS! Sorry for the title! I just couldn't find something else (I'm very lazy too)