> Can you use brick acid indoors on a brick fire surround?

Can you use brick acid indoors on a brick fire surround?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Can you use brick acid indoors on a brick fire surround

there are many masonry cleaners, depending on what your doing you may need different items

muriatic acid: common masonry etch and cleaner, more used by professionals for the toughest of jobs. WARNING this is powerful stuff gloves safety-glasses and respirator are a must make sure to dilute as it will burn off skin on contact, and this will also remove finishes on other objects

citric acid: less common than muriatic acid but is is safeER for common home owner

CLR: one of my personal favs as it removes growned in dirt and surface cleaning ( non etcher)

the others are dependent on your local area and more like a cleaner that works on masory

Pf course, if you don't mind the water you wash it off with. It is muriatic acid, dilute sulfuric acid. Prettty fumey indoors, you want some ventilation, maybe a respirator.

Masonry cleaner (Disclean) is diluted sulphuric acid. It attacks cement. It can be used indoors but you must have plenty of ventilation.

you could do ..with plenty of ventilation ..but most acids are hosed off afterwards

Can you use brick acid indoors on a brick fire surround