> Bathroom Decoration Help!?

Bathroom Decoration Help!?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Have you become bored of your bathrooms design? Facing that same old mirror every morning? Taking a bath in that dull looking bathtub? Has bathing and showering become not special anymore? Bathing is the time when you not only clean yourself from the dirt and grime of the last day or the night, but it is also a chance to feel rejuvenated and energetic. It is a time when you relax, forget all the hard work and hardships you have went through from the day. With that perfect bath, you can be ready for the next day to work again and enjoy the day even more.

I have bought 4 different bathroom rugs over 2 years, and this is my advice to you, get a DARK colored rug. No matter how careful I am about not stepping on the bathroom rug with shoes (my bathroom is next to the kitchen), keeping my animals off it or making sure their paws are clean, it has been *impossible* to keep clean. I've had a white one, bright turquoise/aqua blue, bright pink, and black. I should of done the black one all along (it matches perfectly with the black and silver theme I am doing).

I am a very matchy matchy person, so I personally would do the same color scheme in the bathroom, and only two colors as I just can't do multiple coordinating colors, even though I see it, and it looks good.

I'd use two colors probably, black and pink or black and turquoise (white is too hard to keep bright, even with bleach in my opinion)

I would do:

-a black rug (I love the Sophia Vergara black magic line SOOOO much http://champagneliving.net/sofia-vergara... ) Id also do your toothbrush holder or soap dispenser, and shower rings, in sparkly sofia vergara ones :)

-all pink, but preferably pink with black or all turquoise, but preferably turquoise with black shower curtain


-black, fluffy body towels

-turquoise or pink hand towels to put over body towels

I will advise you to go for light green color for your bathroom decoration which include all sanitary items, walls and vanities. On http://www.bathroommyplacewithstyle.com I find many designing options. I think the purpose of bathroom is achieved when you feel that you are taking bed bath in soothing environment.

If you want to decorate your bathroom then you should get attractive bathroom furniture. You should get a new and stylish bathroom doors and windows. I am using the services of NorthView Windows and Doors Inc.

I'm moving into an apartment in the fall for school and I'm not sure how to decorate my bathroom. Its connected to my bedroom so i want it to match but I'm unsure if i should do all the same colors as my bedroom or only some. Also what colors should be what items in my bathroom (example shower curtain pink and carpets black). My bedroom is mostly black and white with some pink and turquoise accents. I'm thinking of doing something like this for my bedroom (click picture below). Any ideas on the bathroom or pictures provided would be great!