> Accidentally broke a friends window?

Accidentally broke a friends window?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
==== young man == set this right and tell your DAD that you broke the window and that you want to accept the responsibility for paying for a new window .... ask the residential council manager for the replacement and installation costs and you figure out how to earn the money to pay up ... It is not easy to have to work at odd jobs to earn that money but it is much better to work and pay than having a criminal record [[[ that really screws up the rest of your life and college ]]] GO to work bagging groceries or washing cars or whatever you have to do to avoid the police record .... and are you sure it was you or your pal that broke the window?????? === YOU broke the window and you have to pay --- do the roight thing and avoid the criminal police record ................

How could you break the inside glazing of the window without breaking the outside . It all seems strange to me .Anyway , you will not get a criminal record . Don't worry too much . That lady might have broken it herself and your ball hitting it gave her someone else to blame.

Yeah, you did it. You need to take responsibility for it. It doesn't matter if it was an accident or not, it is still your fault.

You won't get a criminal record Kids break windows all the time. You should get a medal for actually playing outside instead of sitting on the couch with an iPad.

You might have to pay for it though.

Better tell you broke the window.

Hi, today I was playing hurling with my friend (a game a bit like cricket, with a ball as hard as a cricket ball) and we were taking turns hitting it against the house. After about half an hour, I took a shot and it hit the window. It was a double glazed window and the inside pane got cracked, but the outside pane (the one the ball hit) is fine. I went in after that. About an hour later his mum came over and talked to my dad about it. She said that she called the council and they said they wouldn't fix it without a crime reference number, so she's going to call the police to get one. But now I'm scared that I'm going to get a criminal record. Also, will I have to pay for it? Thanks