> should you cancel a paid up credit card that is not in use?

should you cancel a paid up credit card that is not in use?

Posted at: 2015-05-24 
credit score doesn't simply get lower when people close credit cards, that is a myth.

other factors which states how this affects the credit score.

utilization ration for example if affected that could hurt, but if that card has a relatively small limit anyways compared to your other cards, and if you can manage to keep the utilization ratio as low as below 30% then that factor will not kick in and won't harm your score.

the other factor is if it is your first credit line. if yes, it will affect your score, if not, it won't.

other than these 2 factors, I don't see a reason why closing it will lower your score, so it is up to you based on the above.

No, that will lower your credit score

If you are not using it and don't plan to use it within 6 months then it is a good idea

Does it affect your credit?

you can but why would you want to lower your credit score?