> how badly will this effect my credit history if left unpaid?

how badly will this effect my credit history if left unpaid?

Posted at: 2015-05-24 
I owe US cellular a 480$ bill. I'm in a christian discipleship program and can only get paid 10$ a day. Im broke. I do want to pay them back, but if I didn't how badly would this effect it?

They will pass it on to a collection agency that might start tacking on interest fees.

Certainly having a collection is a black mark that stays on your credit report for 7 years, though it's less offensive when labeled "paid"

Do talk to the phone company about a payment plan than can save it going into collection, just demonstrating responsibility helps a lot, but don't expect to just make some tiny token payment.

They will eventually turn it over to a collection agency who will report the delinquency to the credit bureaus and it will trash your credit until such time as you pay it ff or 7 years - whichever comes first. Why would have taken out a plan knowing your wages were going to be $50/week.

It seems that your best option is to leave the Christian Discipline program for now.

Your first priority should be pay your bills. Until then, it does not seem you should qualify for the program.

I bet Jesus has something to say about paying your bills. Maybe your parents now trust you enough to loan you the money. {And then you go mow their lawn, do the dishes, and clean their house. Be their servant.}

P S Sounds like you are being scammed.

You are a slave and shouldn't have a cell phone.

you seriously need to get yourself a job and learn to pay your bills. discipleship is not an excuse whatsoever.

It might not hurt

It can effect you!!!